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Revenue Protection Training
Paid-up member utilities are entitled to two days worth of training for their staff provided by the association. The seven training courses and workshops available are based on our internally developed curricula, which are updated regularly and could be customized for specific needs. For more information contact the association. 

Revenue Recovery Support Program
The program involves a peer review process offered to member utilities, following a structured review process and results in a gap analysis report for use by colleagues to improve operational performance. 


The association is an active participant in the generation and maintenance of standards applicable to revenue protection and loss management. Most notably the NRS 055 Revenue Protection Standard, as well standards to do with cable markings and securing of essential infrastructure against theft, vandalism and tampering

Funding of Utility Revenue Protection Operations
The association is actively lobbying for government to firmly set aside a percentage of utility revenue for the purpose of protecting the revenue streams of the utility and improving customer behaviour in this regard. These actions are conducted in concert with various other industry stakeholders. 

Essential Infrastructure Crime Combatting Operations
The association is an active and leading participant in the process of coordination and the development of preventative actions to  assist with the combatting of infrastructure crimes.