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Why should your utility be a member of SARPA?

SARPA Membership Benefits

The community contains two membership types:

·                  Utility Members:- Supply electricity, water and other services to end-users.

·                  Affiliate Members:- Suppliers of goods and services to the Utility members.

The Association provides a platform for interactions and networking with colleagues in the industry. Membership will provide the following opportunities and benefits:

·                  Meeting and interacting with colleagues in your industry

·                  Compare your thinking on current issues and opportunities

·                  Learn about the macro social political drivers in the industry

·                  Use the association as a platform to profile yourself in the industry

·                  Demonstrate your thought leadership in a peer environment

·                  Track and engage with industry trends and challenges

·                  Expand your engagement on a national scale

 You can expect : 

·                  An annual conference

·                  Monthly news bulletins

·                  Regular branch events

·                  A collaborative community of colleagues  

 Affiliate members can also expect: 

·                  Engaging your customers in a more informal environment

·                  Marketing opportunities 

·                  Opportunities to gather market intelligence 

To Join the Association

Affiliate Members